The 5K Turkey Trot started in 2011 and was a collaborative effort between Samoan Solutions and the Pacific Health Club (PHC). We wanted to create an annual event that promoted physical activity during the holiday season. In addition, we wanted to be able to help support local community efforts for those who were meeting the needs of our most vulnerable residents of the San Francisco Bay Area. It is a family & pet friendly event that offers a bit of competitiveness, and a ton of fun!

Our humble effort to establish the 5K Turkey Trot has flourished into a space where for people to connect with available health & social services, as well as Pasifika Businesses. 


Data shows the leading causes of death among Native Hawaiians/Pacific Islanders are:

Increasing opportunities for our people to engage in physical activity can help prevent the 4 most prevalent diseases our community face. It is our hope that this event will help motivate individuals to stay active and connect with health resources that are available for both prevenative health care & long term care. 


The 5K Turkey Trot for Charity is a 3.5 mile walk/run around the Brisbane Marina. It is open to all fitness levels. Trotters can participate in the following categories:

Fastest finishers in each category have the opportunity to win a full TURKEY dinner, just in time for a Thanksgiving feast. Our 1st place team, take home bragging rights & turkey trophies. The first 100 finishers are awarded an official 5K Turkey Trot for Charity "FINISHER" medal. 

SUPPORTING GREAT WORKS - Each year, a portion of the proceeds is given to a select group who are helping to meet the needs of our must vulnerable here in the San Francisco Bay Area. To date, the 5K Turkey Trot for Charity has raised over $18,816 for 12 amazing groups: Catholic Worker House of San Bruno, Word of Faith by the Bay in South San Francisco, The House of Deliverance in San Francisco, Home & Hope in Burlingame, Project Bayview in San Francisco, Mission Neighborhood Centers, Uncle Al's Pay it Forward Drive, Mobilize Love, The City Eats, Dignity on Wheels and Soup 4 the Soul & Sister to Sister Leadership Conference.

START/FINISH LINE  - This is home base for our Resource share and Pasefika Marketplace. Allowing participants and spectators to participate in onsite health screening, connect with health/wellness & social resources available and get a jump on their holiday gift list by shopping our onsite Pasefika Businesses. 

PRE/POST TROT WORKOUT SESSIONS - In 2022, we kicked off our first Pre/Post Trot Workout sessions. Rock of Xtreme Hip Hop step classes. The workout sessions were a wonderful avenue for participants to be able to prepare for the upcoming run & to reflect on their progress post run. 

This event is currently made possible through the amazing partnership & sponsorship of the Pacific Islander Initiative of San Mateo County and Asian American Recovery Services.

Each year, the 5K Turkey Trot for Charity grows. For all the updates on this event, please check out our